You Know It's Going To Be A Bad Day When ...

You wake up after 36 minutes of sleep and it's morning already ...

You can fit things into the bags under your eyes ...

You wake up moody and there's a 16-hour shift ahead of you ...

You can't turn off your alarm and it turns out to be the fire alarm next door ...

You're so tired that only a croak comes out when you try to sing ...

The birds are up before you go to bed ...

You sit up to meditate and then wake up 40 minutes later with your head on your meditation shrine ...

You get up at 4:30am, shower, struggle on a sari, meditate, sing and stumble off to work by 5:30am – and then find out it's Sunday ...

Your alarm clock is a kitchen timer because you're not going to bed long enough for a real alarm clock ...

You find yourself meditating on the phone or the clock instead of your meditation shrine ...

You have to time your morning meditations with a kitchen timer to wake yourself up at the end of it ...

You wake up at 5:00 in the morning with the lights on, fully dressed and with your head on the accounts ...

The bathroom scales announce that you weigh 4 lbs heavier than last night ...

You put the peach and white chocolate muffins into the oven – then realise you haven't added either the peaches or the white chocolate yet ...

A customer comes in to pick up their birthday cake order and you haven't even cooked it yet ...

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